PAPDI WEBINAR - The First and Only Single-Pill Combination of a Beta-Blocker and ACE Inhibitor: What is the Rationale?

Sabtu, 25 September 2021





Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (PAPDI) kembali menyelenggarakan kegiatan PAPDI Webinar INTERNAL MEDICINE EXPERT FORUM “The First and Only Single-Pill Combination of a Beta-Blocker and ACE Inhibitor: What is the Rationale?” yang telah dilaksanakan Sabtu 25 September 2021, Jam: 11.00 - 13.00 WIB secara LIVE oleh PAPDI

Pembicara 1: Dr. dr. Sally A. Nasution, SpPD, K-KV, FINASIM, FACP
Topik: The Latest Evidence for Better Management of Hypertension with Cardiovascular Comorbidities

Pembicara 2: Prof. Dr. dr. Idrus Alwi, SpPD, K-KV, FINASIM, FACC, FESC, FAPSIC, FACP
Topik: Uncovering the Facts of Two Established Drug Classes : Beta Blocker & ACE-Inhibitors

Pembicara 3: Prof. Krzysztof Narkiewicz (Polandia) Topik: Single-Pill Combinations of B-Blockers and ACE Inhibitors: Why When, and for Whom?

Moderator : Dr. dr. Eka Ginanjar, SpPD, K-KV, FINASIM, FACP, FICA, MARS

Jumlah peserta yang mengikuti online kegiatan PAPDI WEBINAR ini tercatat 491 online


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